Port Huron Schools Athletics

District Athletic Physicals

All student athletes must have a physical completed and on file prior to trying out for a sport. Parents/Students should use this form with their family doctor, the Health Dept., Teen Clinic or Med Express.

MHSAA Physical Form

Game Viewing Info:
All varsity home football games are streamed live on EBW.tv (Everything Blue Water - TV). Football and other sports events can also be viewed after their conclusion on PHS-TV "The Wave" on Vimeo.

Football Videos

Port Huron is proud to offer multiple links for coverage of Home Games for PHHS and PHN Football Teams at Memorial Stadium

Please select any of the following links to view:

PHSchools TV Vimeo Page

EBW.TV Port Huron Schools Page and link to 2021 season passwords for viewing

Port Huron High School Football YouTube Channel