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November 2024

Dear Parents and Students,

With winter weather arriving soon, Port Huron Schools would like to communicate our plan of school closures and potential schedule disruptions to help you become more prepared. I would like to assure you that student safety is the absolute factor in the final determination of these decisions. We have numerous agencies and experts providing support to help make the most informed decision possible.


When my office makes the decision to close a school or the entire district, or have an early dismissal or late arrival situation, the following methods will be taken to inform you:

  1. Every effort will be made to make the final decision by 5:15 a.m., except in extenuating circumstances or rapidly changing conditions.

  2. Once the decision has been made, the district has a communication chain that will inform your school’s principal.

  3. You will receive a text/phone and e-mail message confirmation. If your contact information has changed since the first day of the 2024-25 school year, please update it with the front office of your school to ensure you will be contacted through this system. This message will be from the superintendent’s office if it is a district­-wide issue. If the issue pertains only to your school, you will receive contact directly from your school’s principal, as in these situations:

    -In the case of early dismissal, you will be contacted by your school’s principal. Pre K – 8 students who are not able to be picked up early will be secure at the school and will wait to be signed out for pick up in the cafeteria. The sign out system will follow the established protocol at your student's particular school.

    -In the case of a delayed start, you will receive communication from your principal. He or she will also

    give information on where students may be dropped off at the school if a late arrival arrangement is not possible.

  4. To reinforce the confirmed closures, delays, etc., the District will be contacting the local radio stations as well as posting to the District website and District social media (Facebook and Twitter @PHSchools).

  5. When the school schedule has been disrupted, extracurricular activities will be canceled for all elementary and middle schools. For high schools, a determination will be made later in the day and relevant communication will be delivered to you via the athletic director or principal.

  6. School closings will apply to a single day, unless otherwise communicated.

Thank you so much for your attention and assistance in these procedures.

Best regards, 

Theo Kerhoulas

Superintendent of Port Huron Schools