Ks for Kids registration flyer
Kindergartner Vision/Hearing Screening  Port Huron Schools is pleased to offer FREE  vision and hearing screenings for incoming Kindergarteners with  technicians from the St. Clair County Health Department.  Screening results are part of the required documentation for entering Kindergarten.  McKinley Administration Building 2720 Riverside Drive May 26, 2023  15 minute appointments available beginning at 9:00 a.m. Appointments are required.   To schedule an appointment: Please call the Port Huron Area Schools at (810) 984-3101 The Health Department will have walk in days March 27 and April 3, 2023 From 10:30am-5:30pm   Screening results should be turned in to the school your child will attend before June 16, 2023.  If you cannot make an appointment on this date, you may contact the Health Department to set up an appointment. Please call (810) 987-5300 or contact your child’s physician.
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Kindergarten Enrollment graphic
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