PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/14/2023

 WWW(Women's wellness thru Weightlifting Club) will be held this Wednesday from 2:45-3:30.

Just a reminder: the Junior Class will be having a sale of discounted and free formalwear before snowcoming on February 23rd and 24th. If you have any gently used dresses, suits, shoes, ties, etc, please bring your donations to the Counseling Office by February 22nd. All donations are appreciated!

Baking club will be having a bake sale during all three lunches on today. Grab something for yourself or a special someone. Everything is 1 dollar.

Any student that is interested in doing TRAP SHOOTING this year, See Mrs. Taylor in the Athletic Office for the sign-up sheet.  There will be a parent meeting on Thursday, 2/23/2023 in the Media Center at 6:00 pm.  

February is Black History Month!  Benjamin O. Davis Sr. was the first Black general in the American military.  He served for 50 years as a temporary first lieutenant at an all-Black unit during the Spanish American War.  Throughout his service, Davis Sr. was a professor of military science at Tuskegee and Wilberforce University, a commander of the 369th Regiment, On the New York National Guard, and special assistant to the Secretary of the Army.  When Davis Sr. retired in 1948, President Harry Truman oversaw the public ceremony.  Davis Sr. is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.  We will conclude with a quote by Benjamin O. Davis Sr. ,  “The privileges of being an American belong to those brave enough to fight for them.”  On behalf of Diversity Club, Happy Black History Month!