PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/15/2023

 WWW(Women's wellness thru Weightlifting Club) will be held today from 2:45-3:30

Just a reminder: the Junior Class will be having a sale of discounted and free formalwear before snowcoming on February 23rd and 24th. If you have any gently used dresses, suits, shoes, ties, etc, please bring your donations to the Counseling Office by February 22nd. All donations are appreciated!

Any student that is interested in doing TRAP SHOOTING this year, See Mrs. Taylor in the Athletic Office for the sign-up sheet.  There will be a parent meeting on Thursday, 2/23/2023 in the Media Center at 6:00 pm

Quiz Bowl players, Our bus pick-up time has changed for today.  Please leave your 6hr class at 2:15pm, bus will leave at 2:20pm

February‌ ‌is‌ ‌Black‌ ‌History‌ ‌Month!‌ ‌ Ruby Bridges probably had no idea that the bold act she committed in 1960 would set off a chain reaction leading to the integration of schools in the South.  She was just six years old when she became the first African American student to attend William Frantz Elementary in Louisiana at the height of desegregation.  She is now the chair of the Ruby Bridges Foundation, which was formed in 1999 to promote "the values of tolerance, respect, and appreciation of all differences."  We will conclude with a quote by Ruby Bridges, “Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you”.   On behalf of Diversity club, Happy Black History Month.