PHN Announcements

Announcements for 3/15/2023

Attention students who have had four or more years of Spanish:   If you are a senior and have successfully completed four or more years of Spanish, you are eligible to receive a cord to wear at graduation. Please see the list outside of room 104, Mrs. Rosado’s room, to make sure that your name is on the list. If your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. It is very important that you check the list. Any corrections must be made by Wednesday, March 22. Again, if your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. Thank you. 

All book club members, just a reminder that there is a book club meeting after school in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311). Snacks will be provided, and we will be discussing the second half of the novel If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Hope to see you there!

Today at all three lunches TREE Club is having a bake sale. There will be a raffle going on for a giant basket of goods. Please stop by and buy a treat and enter the raffle.