PHN Announcements

Announcements for 3/20/2023

Attention students who have had four or more years of Spanish:   If you are a senior and have successfully completed four or more years of Spanish, you are eligible to receive a cord to wear at graduation. Please see the list outside of room 104, Mrs. Rosado’s room, to make sure that your name is on the list. If your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. It is very important that you check the list. Any corrections must be made by Wednesday, March 22. Again, if your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. Thank you. 

Happy Women’s History Month from Girl Up!  Jane Goodall is an ethologist and conservationist who is an expert on wild chimpanzees. She is recognized for her groundbreaking discoveries in their behavior, discovering that they make tools and have similar social behavior to humans. Before this, it was thought that only humans could use tools. Jane Goodall’s discoveries completely changed the way that we understand animals and ourselves. 

Princess Diana was the First Wife of King Charles III. Her activism and glamor made her an international icon. She used her enduring popularity to raise awareness on issues such as mental health and domestic violence. She became a selfless advocate for the least privileged and was known as the “people’s princess”. The greatest lesson we can learn from her is that with courage and honesty, our weaknesses can be turned into our greatest strengths.