PHN Announcements

Announcements for 3/21/2023

We know breakfast is important and encourage everyone to eat either here or at home.  It is important that you go directly to class after picking up breakfast if you wait until 2nd hour.  If you are not in line prior to the bell ringing, you will have to wait until lunch to eat.  We are seeing too many tardies 2nd hour.  Please plan accordingly.

Attention students who have had four or more years of Spanish:   If you are a senior and have successfully completed four or more years of Spanish, you are eligible to receive a cord to wear at graduation. Please see the list outside of room 104, Mrs. Rosado’s room, to make sure that your name is on the list. If your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. It is very important that you check the list. Any corrections must be made by Wednesday, March 22. Again, if your name is not on the list you will not receive a cord. Thank you. 

Happy Women’s History Month from Girl Up!  Jeannette Rankin was an American politician and women’s rights activist who became the first woman to hold federal office in 1917. She was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a rep from Montana. She campaigned on social welfare issues, U.S. neutrality in World War I, and the right for women to vote in every state.    Rosa Parks is remembered as an icon of the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. This significant event helped to start the civil rights movement against discrimination and segregation, with her action sparking the Montgomery bus boycott. Rosa Parks embodied the dignity and strength of those in the struggle to end racial segregation.