PHN Announcements

Announcements for 4/20/2023

Guest passes are now available for Junior Prom. If you are planning to bring a guest that is not a current Port Huron Northern student, please pick up a form this week in the counseling office. The completed form must be returned before a guest ticket can be purchased.

Attention Seniors, If you plan to take a non PHN guest to prom, you will need a guest pass filled out and returned prior to purchasing your prom ticket. Tickets go on sale Monday April 24th until May 4th, during all 3 lunches. Tickets are $50 each and includes dinner at the Elks Club.  You can pick up guest passes in Mrs. Hartson room - room 103

Permission slips are now available for our campus visit to Central Michigan University. Both Seniors and Juniors are welcome to attend this visit. There is a $5 deposit to save your seat on the bus.  Seats are considered first come, first serve so pick up a permission slip from the counseling office today if you are interested! The last day to turn in your $5 and permission slip is this Friday April 21st.  The trip is Tuesday April 25th  - Leaving school at 7:30/7:45am & returning 4/4:15 pm.  Lunch will be provided by the University.  The student is responsible for arranging transportation home after we return to the school.