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Attention, Attention, Students of Port Huron Northern we need your help. 

We are raising money to help humanitarian aid in Ukraine.  Every 3rd hour teacher will have a jar to collect funds for this effort.  You can donate a penny or a dollar.  All donations are welcome.  The class which donates the most money will receive a pizza party.  This fundraiser ends on Tuesday the 22nd, so donate today!

The deadline to apply to National Honor Society is Friday, March 25th. Late applications will not be considered. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Werden in room 111.

The Women’s Weightlifting and Wellness Club sign-up sheet is on Mrs. Cruciano’s door for this week! If you plan on attending Thursday, please sign the sheet!

The beloved therapy dogs will be here today during all 3 lunches!  Be sure to take a moment during your lunch hour to get some puppy love.  Remember, self care takes effort.  Be sure you take time to decompress and relax each day!  As Katie Reed said, “Self-care is giving the world the best you instead of what’s left of you.”

Hello all PHN Book Club members! This is a reminder that there will be a meeting in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) this Friday, March 18th. We'll be enjoying popcorn and discussing the first section of the English translation of the Japanese novel Before the Coffee Gets Cold. Hope to see you there!

The school store now has gift cards if you would like to purchase and not need to carry cash around! They make great gifts!