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The Women’s Weightlifting and Wellness Club sign-up sheet is on Mrs. Cruciano’s door for this week! If you plan on attending Thursday, please sign the sheet!

Lost and found has been moved to the cafeteria for this week only.  Please be sure to look for any items that may belong to you, if the items are not claimed they will be donated to the Goodwill on Friday. 

Attention Seniors:

2022 Club Cords will be awarded to Seniors participating in a designated club for 3+ years. 

Are you on the list?


Please check the senior bulletin board for details and payment information.

There will be a Junior Class meeting on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:00 in Mrs. Jamison's room. We will be discussing Prom. Everyone is welcome!

 Attention Seniors and Juniors: There are two campus visits that you can currently sign up for at this time. One to Ferris State University on April 12th and one to both Central Michigan University and Saginaw Valley State university on April 21st. If you are interested in touring any of these schools, please stop by Ms. Rakes room in room 101A to pick up a permission slip. Seats are first come first serve for both of these trips.

There are still seats available for the upcoming electrical trades training ground visit. If you are interested please pick up a permission slip from either Ms.Rakes or Ms. Olsen.