PHN Announcements

Student Council Announcement - 

Next Week is the week of Homecoming!  Penny Jars will start Monday during all three lunches.  Pennies should be placed in your class’s jar, and will count towards your class’s total.  Any other coins or bills should be placed in another class's jar, to count against that class.  The class with the highest total will win points towards the Homecoming barrel!  Jars will be placed in the lunchroom!  All proceeds this year will be donated to St. Jude Children’s hospital.

Also, next week is Spirit Week!

Monday is Board Game Day

Tuesday is Twin Tuesday

Wednesday is Pajama Day

Thursday is Adam Sandler Day

Friday is Blue and Gold Day

The class that participates the most in Spirit Week will earn the most points towards the Homecoming barrel.

Finally, the next two home football game themes are

Friday Sept 23 vs Port Huron High - Blue and Gold

And Friday Sept 30th vs Fraser - White-out

The games will start at 7:00pm at Memorial Stadium.  Come support the boys at their rivalry game, the Crosstown Showdown tomorrow night...

And the Homecoming Game next Friday!

Pre-sale tickets for Friday night’s football game against PH will be available for purchase.

Mrs Taylor will be selling tickets in the Athletic Office during the following times:

Before school (7:15-7:30)

All 3 Lunches (10:45-12:21)

After School (2:30 – 3:00)

There will be no tickets sold between classes. Ticket cost is $5. Tickets can also be bought at the gate on Friday night.

Make a Difference Club is off to a strong start. It is not too late to join the club.  Come see what we have going on at our next meeting on Friday September 23rd at 7:15 am in room 309.

The Northern Boys Soccer team defeated L'Anse Creuse last night 4-0.  Dimitri Kasparian had two goals and two assists, Kyle Cooper had a goal, Vincent Montgomery had a goal, and Andrew Becker had an assist.  Chy Marlatt had the shutout in goal with help from defenders Ryan Faulkner, Doah Senyilmaz, Chase Schott, Brock Frantz, and Max Sansom. 

CLASS OF 2023:  

Tomorrow, Friday September 23rd, The Class of 2023 will be meeting at Lakeside Beach for the Senior Sunrise photo. Please be at Lakeside Beach by 6:30 am for the photo at 7:00 am. We will return to school immediately after the photo.