PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/1/2023


The WWW club is meeting today from 2:45-3:30.

ATTENTION SENIORS:  On Thursday, February 2nd there will be a class meeting at 7:10 in Mrs. Jamison's room - room 206.  We will be discussing class motto and class flower. Everyone is welcome - hope to see you there!

PHN's book club has a meeting this Friday after school in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) to discuss Madeline Miller's modernized mythology novel The Song of Achilles. We will also reveal our new book selection for next month. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there!

The next meeting for House of Cards will be Thursday, February 2nd after school until 4. It is located in room 712

Attention Keewahdin Camp Counselors - please submit your paperwork to Mrs. Houle in room 315 by this Friday February 3rd. If you have not picked up your paperwork packet yet, see Mrs. Houle as soon as possible.