PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/2/2023


Any girls interested in playing Northern soccer this spring, there will be information today during all three lunches in Mr. Becker's room, room 320.  If you have any questions about Northern soccer this spring, please see Mr. Becker.

PHN's book club has a meeting this Friday after school in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) to discuss Madeline Miller's modernized mythology novel The Song of Achilles. We will also reveal our new book selection for next month. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there!

The next meeting for House of Cards will be today after school until 4. It is located in room 712

Attention Keewahdin Camp Counselors - please submit your paperwork to Mrs. Houle in room 315 by this Friday February 3rd. If you have not picked up your paperwork packet yet, see Mrs. Houle as soon as possible. 

The next meeting for Baking Club will be February 7th after school. The theme is Valentine’s Day, so put your heart into those baked goods!

February is Black History Month!  Join Diversity Club this month by celebrating the life of Black Historical Figures that have impacted our world!  Congress is more diverse now than it's ever been.  However, when Shirley Chisholm was attempting to shatter the glass ceiling, the same couldn't be said.  During the racially contentious period in the late '60s, she became the first Black woman elected to Congress.  She represented New York's 12th District from 1969 to 1983, and in 1972, she became the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.  Her campaign slogan, "Unbought and Unbossed" rings even louder today.  Senator Kamala Harris recently paid tribute to Chisholm in her presidential campaign announcement by using a similar logo to Chisholm's.

We will conclude with a quote by Shirley Chisholm, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair”.

On behalf of Diversity Club, Happy Black History Month.