PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/3/2023


PHN's book club has a meeting today after school in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) to discuss Madeline Miller's modernized mythology novel The Song of Achilles. We will also reveal our new book selection for next month. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there!

The next meeting for Baking Club will be February 7th after school. The theme is Valentine’s Day, so put your heart into those baked goods!

The next Girl Up meeting will be February 7th at 7:15am in room 315. We will be discussing upcoming events!

Want to try Bug House Chess or Dice Chess? Come by room 312 on Monday, Feb.6 after school to learn these fun renditions. Prizes will be awarded to our winners! See Mrs. Zyrowski with any questions.

Northern Drum Fall Drum Line members need to report to the PAC to set up and please excuse the rest of the marching band at 9 AM for a brief performance for 5th and 6th graders

Recently, PHN art students entered works into the highly competitive Scholastic Arts and Writing contest. 11 students had their work selected for award recognition and will be included in the Scholastic art show at the College for Creative Studies. 

Please join us in congratulating:  

Gold Key Winners:  Madison Gillis, Gabriella Castillo, Aiden MacLean

Silver Key Winners:  Abbie Farley, Maggie Tanton, Aiden MacLean, 

Hailey Brandon,  Kaylee Kruse

Honorable Mention:  Chris Biberston,  Brady Mayer, Teagan Georgia 

February is Black History Month!  Join Diversity Club this month by celebrating the life of Black Historical Figures that have impacted our world!  Dr. King is usually credited for the March on Washington in August 1963. But Bayard Rustin also played a huge role in organizing and strategizing in the shadows.  As a gay man who had controversial ties to communism, he was considered too much of a liability to be on the front lines of the movement.  Nonetheless, he was considered to be one of the most brilliant minds, and served his community tirelessly while pushing for more jobs and better wages.  We will conclude with a quote by Bayard Rustin, “If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence”.

On behalf of Diversity Club, Happy Black History Month.