PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/6/2023

 The next meeting for Baking Club will be February 7th after school. The theme is Valentine’s Day, so put your heart into those baked goods!

The next Girl Up meeting will be February 7th at 7:15am in room 315. We will be discussing upcoming events!

Want to try Bug House Chess or Dice Chess? Come by today after school to learn these fun renditions. Prizes will be awarded to our winners! See Mrs. Zyrowski with any questions.

Attention students:
Reminder that tutoring and credit recovery are available after school from 2:30-3:30 in the media center.  This week it will be offered on Monday and Tuesday February 6th and 7th.  Everyone is welcome.  See you there. 

Please donate formalwear to support the Junior Class as we prepare for prom.  We will be having a sale of discounted and free formalwear before snowcoming on February 23rd and 24th. If you have any gently used dresses, suits, shoes, ties, etc, please bring your donations to the Counseling Office by February 22nd. All donations are appreciated!

The next National Honor Society meeting will be held this Wednesday in the Media Center at 7am. If you cannot attend, please come to the make up meeting in room 111 on Friday after school.

Hello, students interested in knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. There will be a Stitchers Unite meeting in Mrs. Nisbett's room (311) today after school 2:30-4:00. Join us for snacks and crafting!

ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS!!  There will be NO open gym Monday or Thursday night this week.

February is Black History Month! Join diversity club in recognizing Black historical figures that have greatly impacted our world.

Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first Black female doctor in the United States.

After attending the prestigious Massachusetts private school West-Newton English and Classical School, 
she worked as a nurse for eight years until applying to medical school in 1860 at the New England Female Medical College.

She was accepted and would go on to graduate four years later.

Though little is known of her career, PBS reported that she worked as a physician for the Freedmen's Bureau for the State of Virginia.
She later practiced in Boston's predominantly Black neighborhood at the time, Beacon Hill, and published A Book of Medical Discourses in Two Parts.

We will conclude with a quote by Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler,

 “Selfish prudence is too often allowed to come between duty and human life”. On behalf of Diversity club, Happy Black History Month.