PHN Announcements

Announcements for 2/7/2023

Attention students:  Reminder that tutoring and credit recovery are available after school today from 2:30-3:30 in the media center.  Everyone is welcome.  See you there. 

The next National Honor Society meeting will be held this Wednesday in the Media Center at 7am. If you cannot attend, please come to the make up meeting in room 111 on Friday after school.

February is Black History Month!

Kwame Ture was a civil rights activist who originated the term “Black Power”.  He was a freedom rider, chairman of the Student nonviolent coordinating committee, spoke out against political and economic repression, helped establish the All-African People's Revolutionary party, and much more.  He encouraged self defense, self determination, political and economic power, and Black Pride.  We will conclude with a quote by Kwame Ture,

 “When you see people calling themselves revolutionary, always talking about destroying, destroying, destroying but never talking about building or creating, they're not revolutionary. They do not understand the first thing about revolution. It's creating”.

On behalf of the Diversity Club, Happy Black History Month.

Tuesday - Carnation Sale

Love is in the air! The LEAD Team is hosting a Carnation fundraiser to celebrate Valentine's day!

Pay two dollars during your lunch Wednesday through Friday this week, write a cute note on our tag, and we will deliver your note and a flower to your special person on Valentines Day next Tuesday!