Link to the latest Blue Water College Access Network e-newsletter:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
BWCAN header
Blue Water Quiz Bowl final standings for Varsity. PHN was 2nd place Season Winner and also 2nd Place Tournament Winner this year.
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
PHN BWQB Team with trophy
BWQB Varsity
Port Huron High basketball Vs. Lincoln - click here to view:
over 2 years ago, PHS-TV
PHHS Basketball Vs. Lincoln
The television show “Wardens” on the Outdoor Channel is featuring the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial in Port Huron this week. The episode highlights this summer’s presentation ceremony for the memorial marker as well as historical background on the airmen and Lt. Frank Moody’s recovered airplane. The episodes will air as follows. Video clips are included below. Tuskegee Airmen Memorial on “Wardens” featured on the Outdoor Channel: Friday, February 18 @ 8:30 p.m. Friday, February 18 @ 11:30 p.m. Tuskegee Airmen Memorial presentation video segment: “Warden” Tuskegee Airmen Memorial episode video: Introduction to Lt. Frank Moody video:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Wardens on Outdoor channel
Seniors: The scholarship window is open at the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, go to this page to apply:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
CF Scholarships
It's #TributeTuesday! This week, we recognize Ethan Barden! Ethan is assistant principal at Port Huron Northern. His leadership and positive relationships with both staff and students make him the inspiring educator he is in our district. You are so appreciated Ethan for all you do! #1PHASD
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Ethan TT
Ethan Barden
It's #TributeTuesday! This week, we recognize Richard Tinsley! Rick is a Resource Room Teacher at PHHS. He is also very involved at Central Middle school as coach of girls basketball and girls track. He also uses his talents to build sets for Central drama. Thank you, Richard Tinsley for all of the support you provide to our Cougars, Big Reds and beyond. You are so appreciated! #1PHASD
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Richard Tinsley
Rick Tinsley TT
On this week's "PHS Reads" podcast we feature pediatric dentist Dr. Doug Baribeau reading "Giraffes Can't Dance." February is National Children's Dental Health Month. To listen to this story and others read by local community and education leaders, please go to this link:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Dr. Doug Baribeau
PHN basketball Vs. Grosse Pointe South View:
over 2 years ago, PHS-TV
Today was the inauguration of the Game Garage at PHHS as part of our district’s partnership with City of Port Huron Parks & Recreation Dept!
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
line for trailer
kids playing game
kids playing game
game garage
Job Fair next week at Port Huron Schools!
over 2 years ago, PHS - Human Resources
Job Fair flyer
PHHS basketball Vs. Macomb Dakota:
over 2 years ago, PHS-TV
Due to significant ice and dangerous drifting, especially on our back roads, all Port Huron Schools are closed tomorrow Friday, February 4, 2022. Be Safe. The Administration Office will open at 8:00 AM. Extracurricular practices, rehearsals and games will be evaluated at noon.
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Due to significant snow accumulation and predicted drifting over night, all Port Huron Schools are closed tomorrow Thursday, February 3, 2022. Be Safe. The Administration Office will open at 9:00 AM. We do anticipate certain areas of our community (primarily in the city) to be safe for travel by lunchtime. We understand that many of our students depend on our school breakfast and lunch programs for nutritious meals. We will be offering free lunch for any student able to safely get to Holland Woods Middle School or Port Huron High School between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM Thursday. Extracurricular practices, rehearsals and games will be evaluated at noon.
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Kindergarten Round Up is coming to Port Huron Schools this April! Enroll now via the QR code on the graphic or via this link:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Kindergarten Round Up enrollment 2022
Due to predicted freezing rain during the morning commute followed by significant snow accumulation, all Port Huron Schools are closed Wednesday, February 2, 2022. The Administration Office will open at 9:00 AM.
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Thank you to all of the @PHS Port Huron High students who participated in the fall/winter #BeEXTRA campaign! Extracurriculars are so important to students' success and education experience. If you are interested in learning more about an academic, group, club, athletic, performance or other extracurricular at your school, please let your teacher or counselor know. This is the year to make friends, have fun and #BeEXTRA!
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
#BeEXTRA Fall/Winter Students
For this week's #TributeTuesday we recognize Karley Kirkendall, who teaches 2nd Grade at Garfield Elementary. Your enthusiasm and kindness as an educator left a wonderful impression on this family. We appreciate the positive impact you make on all of your students and school each and every day. If you would like to nominate a staff member of #1PHASD who has made a positive impact on you or your student(s), please click here:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Tribute Tuesday Karley Kirkendall
Karley Kirkendall
For this week's #TributeTuesday we recognize Carrie Farnsworth (with fellow educator and husband Gordie Farnsworth in photo), who teaches the MoCI students at Port Huron Northern. Your work everyday as an advocator and educator truly makes the lives better for the families you serve. Thank you! If you would like to nominate a staff member of #1PHASD who has made a positive impact on you or your student(s), please click here:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Tribute Tuesday Carrie Farnsworth
Carrie and Gordie Farnsworth
For this week's #TributeTuesday we recognize Andrew Fiedler, who teaches 4th Grade at Michigamme Elementary. Thank you for all you do to make a positive impression on the learning and lives of your students. If you would like to nominate a staff member of #1PHASD who has made a positive impact on you or your student(s), please click here:
over 2 years ago, Port Huron Schools
Tribute Tuesday Andrew Fielder
Andrew Fiedler running